Solar energy is the most demanding business now days because everyone wants to get the free of cost electricity. There are several manufacturers of solar inverters in UAE and if you want to be one of them then you have to first do an intense research on this. You have to see all the aspects of this field so that when you enter in to it then you will have less or no trouble in doing business. You can start selling the solar batteries from the Canadian solar in Dubai or you can start manufacturing the solar panels. It is up to you that which work you want to start and how much amount you have to initiate the project.
Investment: If you want to start the business of selling the batteries only then you does not need a huge investment. There are some sellers who provide you the option to take the batteries on your shop and give them money when you sell them, they only get a small amount as guarantee from you and you can start your business easily. If you want to manufacture the batteries or the solar panels then you need to have big investment. You cannot do this in a small shop instead you need to have a proper workshop and factory for this purpose so you have to think about all the aspects carefully.
Workers charges: When you start to sell the batteries only then you can hire any person even the illiterate one for your help at the shop so you can pay them small amount according to their work. But when you are going to start your own battery manufacturing workshop or factory then you need to make a big set up and you need to hire the professionals. You have to hire trained people for the accurate assembling of all the parts of the batteries. For the manufacturing of the solar panels you need to hire people that are professionals in this field and who are educated enough to provide you the best services. In this way you have to pay them more because their work in complicated and if you do not pay them handsome amount then they will leave your business and go to someone else’s business.